středa 16. prosince 2020

První tři minuty z Wonder Woman 1984!

Warneři se toho nebojí. A tak nám v rámci přesvědčovací kampaně servírují začátek svého filmu aniž by se strachovali, že si vystřílí všechen prach. Vzhledem k tomu, jak se vyvíjí epidemie, uvidí většina lidí WW84 spíš doma než v kině, což je velká škoda - ale asi se nedá jinak.  Jaké to bude si můžete začít zvykat už teď při prvních třech minutách, které nás vezmou do bojové arény, kde jedna malá holka vzhlíží ke starším a zkušenějším bojovnicím. 

3 komentářů:

  1. It's fascinating to see how Warner Bros. is confidently sharing the first three minutes of Wonder Woman 1984 as part of their persuasive campaign. It shows their belief in the film's appeal and their willingness to captivate audiences right from the start. It's unfortunate that the ongoing epidemic has shifted the movie-watching experience more towards home viewing, but we have to adapt to the situation. I wanted to suggest considering the use of a bulk trash pickup schedule to enhance our daily lives. Having a designated schedule for disposing of bulk trash can greatly contribute to maintaining cleanliness in our homes and cities. By following this schedule, we can create a more pleasant and environmentally friendly living environment for ourselves and others.

  2. Wonder Woman 1984 is a thrilling and captivating film that takes place on the Amazonek island where Diana Prince is a young girl who is rescued by Igrzyska Amazonek. The film features a beautiful and fascinating world, including a beautiful and mysterious Gal Gadot, who is a skvěl of Diánou. The first two minutes of the film are a great introduction to the film, showcasing its unique style and themes. motorcycle accident attorney

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